
Showing posts from July, 2014

Off List - Survived Being Sawn In Half

My girlfriend bought me tickets to an amateur magic show above one of my favourite gin and wine bars in Bath. When they requested a volunteer to be sawn in half, I seized the opportunity and found out that it actually tickled quite a bit! Got myself a certificate and a couple of photos of it as it happened!

List - Go To The Olympics

In 2012, London hosted the Olympic Games. Being from a hockey family (Dad, Sister and Me all play) I had the pleasure of attending and watching the women's hockey. The atmosphere was incredible, a truly unforgettable experience!

List - Learn to Ballroom Dance Properly

I joined the Latin and Ballroom dance club in my final year of university and loved it from the first lesson! Me and my partner went on to win a number of medals in competitions and passed our Latin and Ballroom Bronze Medal Qualification with Honours. Here's a quick video of us at a competition:  WALTZ I have recently tried Salsa also and would like to continue to dance in the future, perhaps working towards the Silver Medal.

List - Shoot A Gun

I am still, in a number of ways, a big kid. When i was young, i picked up sticks and pretended like they were swords or guns, just like any little boy. As an adult though, I can use the real things! I signed up to a shoot with the university shooting club. I managed to hit 15/50 clays with my shotgun, at least i have a target for next time! Warning - the more powerful the shotgun, the more powerful the recoil! After a while it can be quite painful! New List item - go to a firing range to try out a hand gun and machine gun!

Off List - Modelling

My friend, Lucy, a very talented hairdresser and beauty professional asked me if I wanted to help her as a hair model for a hairdressing competition. Being worried that one day I may have no hair at all, I took the opportunity to get some good photos while I could. I was to go with her and 3 female models to a photoshoot for the day and try to get some good photos. I was a little negative at first, thinking it would be a girly day an was not exactly excited by the prospect of wearing makeup. I eventually lightened up, laughed at myself and really enjoyed the day out. Furthermore, it resulted in some really great photos.

List - Skydive

I signed up to my university skydiving society with my house mate Sandy Wilson. We both opted for the Advanced Free Fall (AFF) option where you learn how to fall in a stable position, pull your own parachute and control your canopy for a safe landing. He went before i did, completed the groundschool and a number of jumps and could not stop raving about it. It took me a while to go down just for the ground school which took about 4 hours and unfortunately the weather was not right for me to jump afterwards. A long while afterwards, i found a day to go down (and it did a whole day, building in travel) for a refresh and to do my first jump. To say i was nervous is an understatement. My greatest fear is of heights - i don't even like going up large open escalators! I was told that once i got on the plane i would have to jump. I felt numb. I got on the plane - it was worryingly bouncy. We ascended to around 6,000 ft, the jump height for the RAPS course, I would be going all the w

Life List

Physical: Run a marathon. Climb Kilimanjaro. Go Heli-skiing. Learn how to surf properly. Learn how to snowboard. Spend 6 months getting into a shape I like. Play golf to a handicap of below 20. Go Sandboarding. Holiday : Set foot on every continent. Scuba dive off Australia 's Great Barrier Reef. Drive the Autobahn. See the Amazon rainforest. Go to Oktoberfest beer festival in Germany. Visit the pyramids of Egypt. See the Northern Lights. Climb to the top of the Eiffel tower. Walk along the wall of China. Go to Carnival in Rio. Adventurous: Drive a Mustang. Drive a Tank. Learn to fly a plane. Do a bungee jump. Gain an AFF qualification so i am a qualified skydiver. Gain a PADI qualification so i am a qualified scuba diver. Gain a mountaineering qualification. Shoot a gun. Experience weightlessness. Skydive. Fly a helicopter. Try a Zombie apocalypse experience. Attend a spy academy expeirence. Have a go on a segway. G

28,000 Days

The average human lifespan is just over 75 years, that equates to around 28,000 days. Scary when you put a number on it isn't it? Doesn't sound that big does it? Get out a calculator and check if you want... I am scared of dying. I will admit it. It used to give me nightmares as a child and it still troubles me sometimes as an adult. The thing that scared me about death is not knowing what comes next, I hated the thought that it was just eternal darkness. I still don't know what happens when you die, I have no control over it, but what i do have control over is my life. If all i will ever be conscious of in life is my feeble blip in existence then i am going to make it the mightiest, most incredible and full-filled blip that i possibly can! When I reached the age of 18 I decided not to be a victim of fear, I gave myself power over my life. I made a bucket list. I find this term a little depressing as it is things to do before you die - I find a much more positive