
Showing posts from August, 2014

List - See my favourite artist/band in concert

Okay so you can't see much from this photo but that is me on the left, my friend Naomi on the right, Wembley Stadium all around us and Eminem on stage. Eminem was amazing, he did a compilation of his old and new hits, some lesser known songs for the more dedicated fans and a couple of extremely old ones for the die hard fanatics. Dr Dre also made an appearance.

Off List - Go to the Doctor Who Experience

                  Not on the list, not an achievement that i am proud of, but something that was great fun and that i will remember! Stepping through a crack in time, helping the doctor to fly the T.A.R.D.I.S. and confronting the Daleks. We may have been surrounded by families and children but i loved it - Why should kids have all the fun!?

Off List - Powerboat Experience

Blasting around Cardiff Bay and Penarth in a powerboat - certainly a bit worrying when you hit a big wave but overall great fun!